What about your private, working space at home? Is your home office taken care of or is it a big mess? I get inspiration by browsing pictures and do find other peoples way to arrange their business surroundings.
Refreshing and Sophisticated. A mix of blue and green, turquoise has a sweet feminine feel while the darker teal shades add lively sophistication.
Need some inspiration on how to decorate for emerging Christmas holidays? Candle lights, ginger cookies, stars and wooden display for the fireplace. Get some tip on what to do to decorate your home.
It’s December and Christmas, associated with the color red. Discover the power, the nature, and the language of red. Find out what red symbolizes and what colors work well with red. The color is combined with much more.
Another post with pictures from home office and beautiful work spaces. For your inspiration on how to make your home office a place to do business, or blogging. Or whatever you do. Maybe pinning?
Pink is a softer, less violent red. Pink is the sweet side of red. It’s cotton candy and bubble gum and babies, especially little girls. This is pictures of the color soft pink.
DIY headboard: Some ideas on how to arrange your bedroom with headboards that you can change whenever. Some with textile or paint, others more difficult to change but personal, indeed. Found via Pinterest and the webstash account. Link in bottom of article.
An universal favorite of men and women, explore the meaning of blue, how to use shades of blue, subtle changes in blue symbolism from dark to medium to light blues, and colors that go with blue.
The bedroom headboard is a way to change your bedroom easy and make a new look. DIY project to find the headboard that fits your room and personality. Here are some favourites of mine, inspirational pictures.
In webstash album home • chairs on Pinterest I found some more pictures of chairs for inspiration. Maybe you’ll find your favourite among them.
Ever thought about bringing pink in to your home? I found some great pictures with pink as the main colour. Hope you like the collection. Enjoy!
Pictures from Pinterest sharing colourful interior details. For inspiration on storage. Love this succulents and colourful mugs!