Grey is a neutral, balanced color. It is a cool, conservative color that seldom evokes strong emotion although it can be seen as a cloudy or moody color. The lighter side of black, gray is a cool color seen in storm clouds and some metals.
Need some inspiration on decorationg kids room. IKEA Family Living have an album dedicated to kids room and you’ll find some on them in this post.
I found some pictures on Pinterest album Colorful details and want to share them with you. Dining room, turquoise fireplace, a blue floor and more.
Shades of Yellow These words are synonymous with or represent various shades of the color yellow: banana, cadmium yellow, chartreuse, chiffon, cream, golden, goldenrod, khaki, lemon, mellow yellow, saffron, topaz, yellow ocher.
Macarons, originally from France. Delicious small tasteful cookies filled with buttercream, ganache or jam. You can make them yourself or buy them in all kind of taste and colors.
Pastel is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation.
IKEA – further introduction not needed. Are you familiar to IKEA family live? A place to visit for tips, ideas and inspiration for your home. Share your passion for everyday life at home with others from around the globe. Unique opportunity to find inspiration.
A cousin to yellow (and orange & brown) is gold. While green may be the color of money (U.S) gold is the color of riches and extravagance. The color gold shares many of the attributes of yellow. It is a warm color that can be both bright and cheerful as […]
What is your favourite flower? Mine is tulips! Tulips are spring-blooming and colorful. Although tulips are often associated with The Netherlands, commercial cultivation of the flower began in the Ottoman Empire.
Down-to-Earth it is. Brown is a natural, down-to-earth neutral color. It is found in earth, wood, and stone. Brown is a warm neutral color that can stimulate the appetite. It is found extensively in nature in both living and non-living materials.
Norwegian quality furniture for more than 60 years. Formfin are proud to have made quality furniture for many homes in Norway and I found some pictures to illustrate the context and style.
Nice solutions for storage in your home. Design and quality has been the keywords since Designa started in 1992, producing furniture – since then kitchen, bath and dividers.