It's all about the details
It's all about the details

More inspiration from Tine K

This is what Tine says herself: More interior shops opened in Denmark; I suppose inspired by my success. I was often contacted to sell retail as so many believed my merchandise was my own creation and design”.  Have a look at the latest collection.

As mentioned above, it was, however, purchased abroad. While the interior decorators in those days decided mainly on pink, baby blue and an abundance of flowers (quite shabby chic), I opted for a different, more minimalistic approach: clean colors in grey, blue, white, dark brown and black which eventually lead to the creation of a collection of cushions and quilts, and consequently the foundation of the company Tine K Home.

The collection has grown ever since, and today it includes also furniture and clothes. The unique Tine K Home style is an adventurous mix of Asian, French, Scandinavian and Moroccan colors, shapes and surfaces which, despite the big cultural differences, are lifted to the higher level of a remarkably clean and simple style.

Info/pictures: RUMid