Ever thought about bringing pink in to your home? I found some great pictures with pink as the main colour. Hope you like the collection. Enjoy!
Swedish photographer Henrik Bonnevier photographed these photos in a fantastic location for Therese Sennerholt Design and the best stylist was Lotta Agaton. Now, this is fine art for your walls.
Bring some colours to your interior. First some industrial looking chairs in different colours. I found some pictures based on orange details. Kitchen, living room, home office, chair and a stair.
Scandinavian cold, it’s winter and a fireplace needed. Found some pictures via Pinterest. We know how to appreciate the warmth of an open fire. Pictures for inspiration, cosy places to be during the winter season.
As you may know I use Pinstagram to pin my favourite pictures along the way browsing the internet for inspiration. In the webstash album Home • decor styling you’ll find some inspirational pictures to color your home.
I found some colorful interior details with green as the main color. A kitchen with a gorgeous wooden table and bench. Workspace, dining area, green flooring. Get inspired.
Vintage inspired with Finnish photographer Krista Keltanen. Some pictures inspired by season Christmas even though December soon will be over. Hope you had a great Christmas celebration with friends and family.
Found some pictures via Pinterest focused on fireplaces. With cold winter in Scandinavia and Norway, we know how to appreciate the warmth of an open fire.
Gorgeous and colorful details for the home, with red as a main color. Living room, kitchen, bathroom or bedroom. A touch of red it is!
Swedish photographer Madeleine Söder works with both people, interior and food. I like her pictures and present a few of them in this post. Hope you like them.
This luxurious apartment is located in Sao Paulo, Brazil and designed by Kwartet Arcquitetura. The building where the apartment is situated had just been completed when the design studio was asked to take it over. The new owners were a young couple.
Photographer Julie Hoersch is from Germany lives and have a studio in Hamburg. She takes photos for both interior magazines as well as photografs of food and flowers, among others.