The company Mr. Perswall in Sweden offers wallpapers in many different designs and colours. What about a huge wall and let the kid(s) colour the wall themselves! Teach the kid about letters, to count.
Yearly Archives: 2015
Another post with pictures from home office and beautiful work spaces. For your inspiration on how to make your home office a place to do business, or blogging. Or whatever you do. Maybe pinning?
It’s summer and hopefully temperature in Scandinavia to spend some time outside too. I found some pictures from random outdoor spaces via Pinterest. Find inspiration to make your outdoor space a place to relax and enjoy summer!
From its dazzling location in the West End of London, at the hub of Covent Garden, West End theatres and Trafalgar Square, St Martins Lane is a dramatic and daring reinvention of the urban resort.
Pink is a softer, less violent red. Pink is the sweet side of red. It’s cotton candy and bubble gum and babies, especially little girls. This is pictures of the color soft pink.
Colorful and fun illustrations for your wall. Ron Art is an artist, Ronald Habraken born in Rotterdam, working from Apeldoorn.
It’s all about spending time outdoors in the short period when summer is visiting Norway! Some pictures from around the web, most of them based on a Scandinavian perspective. Enjoy both inspiration and summer!
It is situated at number 1 Avenida Diagonal, this elegant and avant-garde edifice stands out as one of the most characteristic buildings in Barcelona. It contributes to the great architecture of this city.
DIY headboard: Some ideas on how to arrange your bedroom with headboards that you can change whenever. Some with textile or paint, others more difficult to change but personal, indeed. Found via Pinterest and the webstash account. Link in bottom of article.
Svenske Kredema har utviklet veggplater med innebygde hyller. Genial detalj på ellers flate vegger. Med hyller som Kremeda har designet så kan du finne oppbevaring uten at det blir store problemer med støv.
Limited Edition (LE) a Belgian, carpet design house, offering a range of designer and luxury coverings. The company is distinguished by stylish collections of woven and hand-tufted carpets in wool, linen, cotton, leather or ‘cow-hide’.
Love these funny wise words I found on the website “A Vintage Poster”, printed posters. Order the posters in in the color for your home. Doesn’t cost that much either.