This is what Ryann Ford say’s about him self: I’m a photographer. I grew up in a tiny town in the mountains of Southern California. We didn’t even have a stoplight. The first real photo I ever took was with my dad’s Pentax Spotmatic from Vietnam when I was 12.
Monthly Archives: August 2012
Etruria originated with the idea of re-creating, complete with all its accompanying trims, the classical Diamond 15×15 and 7.5×15 tile which first appeared on the scene as a wall covering in the Paris Metro stations in 1900.
Miss the good old days? Give your iPhone a character! Retro pixel style! This 8-bit bumper made from rubber silicon keeps your iPhone away from any damage, an anti friction coating is applied so you could slide your 8bit machine into your pocket hassle free!
IKEA opened a concept store for an Autumn’s textile shop last week at Grünerløkka in Oslo, Norway. Funny way to draw attention and nice pictures both from surroundings and the store itself.
In 2001 Magnus Tyrén and Marita Lord started Cult Design. They both worked at Borås Tapeter the biggest wall paper company in Nordic. Accessories for kitchen and bathroom.
Barbara Groen from Netherlands is a stylist working with photographers for ariadne at Home, Eigen Huis & Interieur, Home&Garden, Libelle, Margriet, Seasons, 101 woonideeen and VT-Wonen, among others.
I found some beautiful and colorful photos with yellow used in the interior. The pictures are from Pinterest and you’ll find the source by visiting the album.
Grey is a neutral, balanced color. It is a cool, conservative color that seldom evokes strong emotion although it can be seen as a cloudy or moody color. The lighter side of black, gray is a cool color seen in storm clouds and some metals.