This is Java, a JRT named after the programming language. She is a 13 years old Jack Russell terrier who lives in Oslo, Norway. Here are some pictures taken, she doesn’t appreciate the photos taken that much anymore.
You can follow Java on Facebook if you like. Java having a great time in Southern Norway, relaxing vacation. Photo: Tor Karstensen
Sunshine and bed. The bed, with Ludde from IKEA and a rug as well.
Tired and asleep.
Humh, can I sit on your lap please? Please?
Great days in Southern Norway, Farsund. Having fun at the beach.
Java, the cafe dog, keeping the bunch together at all time, unless sleeping of course.
At work, having a nap after eating sausage.
On our way to work. Photo Tor Karstensen
Great time in the park.
And great time on the beach.
Info/pictures: private, editor Hilde